Jennifer brilliant, refined, elegant

Jennifer audience of 20-35-year-old white-collar women, the main product prices to 68-158, with a unique style of comfortable and elegant underwear design, to achieve the first-line brand of high quality and second-tier brand price perfect combination.

"Jennifer Flower" has the ability to create the first-class underwear brand in the country, bringing women higher quality, higher taste enjoyment, and more comfortable wearing effect, so that women feel youthful and energetic at any time and can wear out on any important occasion Confidence and style.

珍妮花 - Jeniform

Brilliant - brilliant color Zhang Yang out of the charm of women, expressing the desire of contemporary women's pursuit of fashion.
Delicate - express the delicate and feminine emotional appeal of women, so that women love Jennifer carefully care for the skin feeling, revel in the heart of dream space.
Elegant - far from the complex and luxurious, return to self, with a confident attitude, elegant and calm face of life.

珍妮花 绚丽、精致、优雅

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