Anlieana Haya Store runs trials to achieve good results

Anlieana who upholds the spirit of humanism - well, Lina Fashion Women finally started her journey. Anlieana, located in Shenzhen's Baoan, successfully entered the city at the end of the 12th, and two months of trial operation achieved good results. A further step away from the success of anlieana.

Anlieana Women's Joining Agent: http://

In 2013, through intensive cultivation and optimization of shops, based on existing terminals, the company expanded its efforts to create regional market models, optimize terminal management, opened key brand stores in key cities, and established direct branding and franchising as its main business model. , One after another, established offices and branches in first-tier cities across the country, exerting the effect of model market points in various regions, achieving a leap-forward growth in stores, and bringing the number of terminals to 200.

Anlieana Women's Joining Agent: http://

In 2016, the company tapped into the depth of the market to spread the brand's breadth. It actively carried out various types of exhibitions and investment promotion conferences, and achieved brand store sales, sales, and influence are all increasing geometrically!
marketing strategy:
With Shenzhen as its core position, intensive cultivation, optimized management, and gradual expansion into the economically developed cities across the country, the market will achieve all-round development.
The direct sales terminal model is mainly used to create a successful copyable profit model, combined with the franchise business model, comprehensive development, and increase brand market share.
Focus on business models such as offices and branch offices, deepen channels and fine management, and ensure consistent image and service quality: consistently implement market segmentation to accurately position operations; increase investment in human team building and deepen corporate culture Construction, concentration of advantages to create a direct image terminal, establish a standardized professional supervision system, and achieve consumer loyalty purchase strategies; focus on building a brand image, dig deep into the brand core value, spread and enhance brand reputation and visibility; use of diversification, flexibility The channelization of the operation and market operation strategy, the rapid implementation of market expansion.

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