The three stages of a woman's body is easy to shape

By analyzing the weight data of 700 women, the researchers found that 41% of women in this age group gained an average of 2.5 kg in 4 years. In response, the researchers launched a comprehensive survey of factors that lead to women's obesity, involving psychology, social relationships, and the environment.

The first stage of getting fat: graduated from school.

Graduating and leaving school is a dangerous period for women to pay special attention to. Many women have reduced their participation time after leaving school and starting work. In addition, some women will find an excuse for eating high-calorie snacks such as chocolate and French fries. Because of the heavy workload, they need to add enough nutrients. At the same time, some women will overeating their emotions because of the stress of work.

The second stage of getting fat: marriage.

The other predisposing factor for women who are most likely to soar between the ages of 20 and 30 is "marriage." Many women become married, their eating habits become the same as their husbands, and their appetite is greatly increased, so that the weight naturally becomes larger. In addition, most women's spare time after marriage is to sit on the sofa watching TV or CD, instead of going out with friends and classmates as before.

The third stage of getting fat: pregnancy.

Pregnancy is the third reason for the soaring weight of women between the ages of 20 and 30. Many women can no longer return to their pre-pregnancy weight after giving birth. Pregnancy should pay attention to the safety of the fetus has become a "shield" for many women who do not like sports. Many women completely give up the idea of ​​controlling diet. In fact, pregnant women should also plan their diet and activities reasonably, and should not be uncontrollable and open appetite.

The price has led to the fatter. Finally, the researchers also suggested that because the price of vegetables has been rising in recent years, the price of some vegetables even exceeds the price of meat, which has led some women to prefer to pick meat and reduce vegetables when shopping. “But we need to understand the importance of vegetables for weight control,” the researchers said.

Additional reading: In the spring, what to eat and not to get fat has come, spring, a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables have begun to go on the market, wrapped in a winter coat is gradually taking off, so which fruits and vegetables can help you lose weight?


1 celery celery contains a large amount of calcium on the one hand, which can supplement the "foot bone strength", and on the other hand also contains potassium, which can reduce the water accumulation in the lower body. In addition, the fiber content in celery is quite high. Therefore, when women eat celery, they need to chew hardly to drive the movement of facial muscles. A celery contains only 4 to 5 calories, but chewing it consumes 5 to 8 calories. In the process of celery entering the stomach, it consumes about 5 calories.

2 spinach spinach because it can promote blood circulation, so that the legs farthest from the heart can absorb enough nutrients, balance metabolism, detox skinny legs.

Spinach has high water content (90% to 93%) and low calorie. It is a good source of magnesium, iron, potassium and vitamin A. It is also a good source of calcium and vitamin C. It contains phosphorus, zinc, pantothenic acid and vitamin B6. Also richer. The ratio of protein to calories in spinach is almost the same as that of cream cheese, and the protein contained in 500 grams of spinach is equivalent to the protein content of two eggs. Therefore, eating more spinach can provide a certain amount of protein for the human body. Spinach contains more than twice as much calcium as phosphorus. Therefore, eating spinach can make up for certain defects in foods that contain more phosphorus than calcium, such as eggs, fish, beans, meat, nuts, and seafood. Ensure the proper use of the two essential elements of calcium and phosphorus, and the amount of calcium and phosphorus ingested per day should be balanced).

3 In addition to rich in vitamins A, B1 and B2, seaweed seaweed is rich in cellulose and minerals, which can help remove waste and accumulated water in the body, thus reducing the effect of stovepipe.

Laver is sexually cold in traditional medicine and is beneficial to water. As we all know, the cause of obesity is that the veins in the body are not smooth, causing the liquid in the body to remain in the body. The various metabolites in the human body will not be excreted, the burning of fat will slow down, and the body will become fatter. . While seaweed can benefit water, it also increases the discharge of fats and metabolites. People who eat often can lose weight. In addition, according to modern medical research, seaweed contains high protein, low fat, rich and comprehensive amino acids, so seaweed is very important for human health. Seaweed also has substances that lower cholesterol, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of high blood fat.

4 tomatoes eat fresh tomatoes can diuretic and remove leg fatigue, reduce the problem of edema, if it is raw, the effect is better.


1 Apple apple contains unique malic acid, which can accelerate metabolism, reduce fat in the lower body, and it contains more calcium than other fruits, which can reduce the saltiness of the lower body edema.

The so-called apple slimming refers to the method of weight loss that only eats apples in 3 days to improve posture. Apples are rich in essential nutrients that meet the normal needs of the human body. At the same time, modern medicine proves that apple can relieve constipation and has a good therapeutic effect on constipation. During the weight loss period, the special substances contained in the apple will smoothly discharge the toxins in the body, thereby quickly reducing the body weight and improving the human body.

2 Kiwifruit kiwifruit In addition to vitamin C is its strength, the original cellulose is also very rich, can increase the rate of decomposition of fat, avoiding excessive accumulation of fat in the legs.

3 banana bananas, although high in calories, but low in fat, and rich in potassium, but also full stomach and low fat, can reduce the accumulation of fat in the lower body.

The dietary fiber contained in bananas can stimulate the motility of the stomach, and it will not only become soft, but also unblocked when excreted. The nutritionist pointed out that if you don't eat anything, just eat bananas and honey, the heat is much lower than the meal, and naturally it will slim down. However, such rapid weight loss, the body often because it has not been adjusted. If you are chronically lacking all kinds of nutrients required by the body such as protein and minerals, you will slowly notice that the spirit is getting worse, the resistance is weakened, and the body sends out dangerous warnings, which is worthy of caution.

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