The first month dress with red jacket festive and conspicuous

The first lunar new year, whether it is to go relatives or go to work, big red are very lovable color. Festive colors, gorgeous full, elegant skin Yun, in the crowd can stand out. Here are two big red coat introduced to learn how to make fashion and charming temperament. Diskin Kay women , give you the confidence and charm you want.


This large red woolen jacket simple version of the type, high-quality fabrics, first-class upper body effect, gives the woman's elegance and execution. High-end materials and superb technology, suitable for all types of girls. With a black fun print dress, waist design, was thin version, handsome in appearance, generous fashion.

正月穿衣搭配 红色外套喜庆又显眼

Big red, very lovable, to relatives will receive a variety of praise it. Lapel design, a very cool piece, stylish wild. Echoes with the blue sweater, set off a woman's elegance and beauty. Coupled with black embellishment, but also highlights the extraordinary women's clothing and unique aesthetic.

Photo credit: Disney. Kay Women

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